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Trees For Travellers

Trees For Travellers was establised by the team at Live The Dream Travel in January 2023.

It's our own hyper-local carbon offet initiative inspired by the efforts of some of the world's largest travel brands with whom we work.

The aim of Trees For Travellers is to reduce the environmental impact of travel with a simple concept: every time our customers book a holiday, we buy and plant a tree.

Travel companies around the world are putting emissions reduction and sustainability front and centre, and when we thought about it, we couldn’t see any reason why Live The Dream Travel couldn’t contribute on a local level.

We looked at the carbon emissions an individual customer might typically generate on a holiday, then investigated different native trees and their capacities to absorb carbon. After consulting with the experts at State Flora in Murray Bridge, we decided to begin with Eucalyptus torquata (commonly known as Coral Gum). It's a species which performs well in this area of South Australia, in fact trees can grow up to 11 metres in height.

Our goal is to plant 1,000 trees during the first year of Trees For Travellers, so help us to create a more sustainable planet by booking your holidays with Live The Dream Travel!

Greg Close and Trees For Travellers

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